What is Crossfit?

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that is founded on building functional fitness. It’s specialty is that there is no specialization!

Sports, combat, and everyday life reward functional fitness. CrossFit delivers fitness that is broad and inclusive to everyone. It is universally scalable – meaning it is the perfect workout for any individual regardless of age, experience, or fitness level.

From elderly individuals to professional athletes, CrossFit meets all of their life’s physical needs. The weight and intensity can be scaled, but the programs never do.

According to CrossFit HQ, “the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree not kind. Our terrorist hunters, skiers, mountain bike riders and housewives have found their best fitness from the same regimen.”

For more information on CrossFit, check out this article in the August 2011 edition of Fast Company.


The Truth About CrossFit


CrossFit is for those already in shape.

FALSE, CrossFit Truth never asks you to do anything beyond your ability, instead we help modify the workouts to fit your needs. Almost everyone uses some sort of modification. You never have to worry about not being able to keep up.


CrossFit is a brand new workout fad.

FALSE, CrossFit was founded by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai in 2000, but weightlifting, gymnastics, high-intensity workouts, agility work, calisthenics, and traditional cardiovascular workouts have been around for decades.


CrossFit is just for men.

FALSE. According to Quantcast Analytics, CrossFit gym goers are equally males and females.  It is a program designed to improve the human body; male and female alike.


Everyone gets injured doing CrossFit.

FALSE, CrossFit Truth is dedicated to coaching and delivering CrossFit exactly how it was intended; with constantly varied, functional movements, performed at a high intensity within a community workout format. “Injury comes from not CrossFit itself. What injures people is not listening to coaches, performing moves incorrectly, or receiving poor coaching," says Kevin Hughes, C.S.C.S, a certified CrossFit coach.


CrossFit is the same everywhere.

FALSE. Although each CrossFit gym pays a fee to be affiliated under the CrossFit brand, each gym is independently owned and operated.


CrossFit is just for young men and women.

FALSE. The scalability of each and every workout allow members to challenge themselves regardless of age, fitness level, athletic ability, or strength.  

Q & A


What is wod?

It is the “Workout of the Day.” We program and post a workout for each day. This workout could be a “named” workout, developed and described on the national site, or it could be a workout we have developed here at CrossFit Truth.


is the wod enough?

Part of the CrossFiit philosophy includes pursuing/learning another sport or activity, and many CrossFitters are also martial artists and competitive athletes in a variety of disciplines. However, if you work the WODs hard, you will find yourself at an improved level of fitness, and for lots of us, the WOD is our primary “sport”. If you pursue another activity, you will need to balance your work/rest cycles and be sure to allow for recovery. Sometimes, you will need extra days off or to consider a WOD as “active rest” done at a lower intensity.


What if i can't do the workouts as posted?

Not many athletes can do ALL workouts as RX’d (prescribed). A big part of CrossFit is the concept of “scaling”. That is, substituting in modifications to movements to make them more or less difficult based on the individual’s level of fitness and training.


Should i go to a traditional gym to get a "base" level of fitness first?

NO! A THOUSAND TIMES NO! CrossFit is designed for athletes of ALL levels — from professional athletes, to desk jockeys, to homemakers, and retirees. We scale load and intensity for all our clients based on their individual fitness level and ability. Going to a traditional health club first will just delay the benefits you will receive from a CrossFit regimen.